Malta Business Awards Logo
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Innovative & Sustainable Ambassadors

Recognising businesses both for their innovative capabilities, and for their sustainable initiatives that make an impact on the environment. The selection committee will be looking for applicants that have taken action in a number of areas in this regard. Businesses that seek to make the best use of the resources available leaving an impact and ensuring a sustainable future.

Supported by Wasteserv

Best Waste Management Strategy

This award is designed to recognize the efforts of businesses that have either implemented initiatives within their operations to reduce, reuse, or recycle waste or have made an effort to meet the requirements of various environmental legislations with the ultimate aim of reducing, reusing, or recycling waste. The Selection Committee will be looking for businesses that can highlight the benefits of these initiatives while demonstrating how they have made an invaluable contribution to the goals of waste reduction, reuse, or recycling.
Supported by Project Green

Project Green

This award recognises the best private sector projects/initiatives that contributed to the greening of spaces, green embellishments, upgrades, and upkeep of green spaces. These efforts have showcased sustainable practices and innovative approaches to greening, resulting in a positive environmental impact for the benefit of employees or the public. Scope and Impact: The project can possibly involve the greening of spaces, such as rooftops, premises, public or private spaces, or rural areas. The initiative should have a positive environmental impact, such as increasing green cover, enhancing biodiversity, or improving air quality. Sustainability and Innovation: The initiative should demonstrate sustainable practices, such as the use of native plants, water-efficient landscaping and/ or eco-friendly materials. The Selection committee will be looking for project/initiatives that include innovative approaches to greening, such as vertical gardens, green walls, or urban agriculture.   
Supported by Malta Digital Innovation Authority (MDIA)

Innovative Digital Solution

This award is designed to recognise an Innovative Digital Solution. Digital solutions today offer exceptional means of service, efficiency and accessibility. Digital Solutions give users and those administering it valuable tools to be able to do more and reach farther, in addition to insights, added visibility, functions and AI benefits. 
Supported by APS Bank

Innovative Sustainable Business Award

This award is designed to recognise any form of enterprise sustainability initiative, which is however deemed to be innovative. The initiative should have contributed to their operational improvement or product/service efficiency and overall sustainability of the business with an innovation element embedded in it. The Selection Committee will be looking for businesses that have carried out innovative sustainable initiative/s in favour of the business beyond more traditional sustainable measures. 
Supported by Energy and Water Agency

Business Leader in Energy and Water Sustainability

This award is designed to recognise the enterprise that has shown leadership in the implementation of sustainable operation within their sector with regards to the use of energy and water.  The Selection Committee will be looking for businesses that have been frontrunners and engrained energy and water sustainability in the enterprise ethos and therefore carried out sustainable energy and water initiatives to ensure the ability of future generations to meet their needs. 
Supported by Malta Tourism Authority

Leader in Quality Tourism

This award is designed to recognise the private sector providing the best Tourism contributor to the Maltese product of the year. Open to businesses that have created products/services to target the tourism industry in a value adding way.  The Selection Committee will be looking at commercial offerings targeting tourists in an innovative way attracting tourists for a reason beyond what is traditionally associated with Malta.  